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Regional Center in Farmington

EB-5 Regional Center in Farmington

EB-5 projects in Farmington, all around Oakland County, and the whole of the Detroit Metropolitan Area are included in the geographic coverage area of EB5 Affiliate Network’s regional center in Michigan. Find out how to rent our regional center for your EB-5 project in Farmington.

What can the EB5AN State of Michigan EB-5 Regional Center offer your EB-5 project in Farmington?

When you rent our regional center for your project, you can take advantage of several logistical and financial benefits.

  1. Start raising EB-5 investment funds right away.

Our EB-5 regional center in Michigan covers every part of the state, so your EB-5 project anywhere in Farmington is included within its geographic scope. This means you can raise EB-5 funds in Farmington as soon as you’re affiliated. EB5AN’s Michigan regional center has been approved by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and is listed on the USCIS website along with our other 14 regional centers.

  1. Factor in your project’s wider economic impact to increase your job creation figures.

EB-5 investors must meet the program’s job creation requirement of 10 full-time jobs per investor. Investors often prefer to invest in EB-5 regional center projects, which are allowed to count both directly and indirectly created jobs in their job creation totals. Since direct investment projects can only count direct payroll employees as created jobs, regional center projects allow developers to raise more EB-5 capital.

  1. Progress quickly from planning to execution of your EB-5 project with EB5AN’s expertise.

You can begin raising EB-5 capital much sooner by allowing our experienced team to help you navigate the regional center affiliation process. We’ll calculate your project’s potential to create jobs and its ability to support EB-5 capital. We’ll also analyze its compatibility with our Michigan EB-5 regional center.

We can walk you through the process quickly so that you can start raising EB-5 investment capital rather than waiting months for USCIS approval for a new EB-5 regional center. Read more here about affiliating with an EB-5 regional center in Farmington and about the benefits of regional center affiliation for your EB-5 project.

EB5AN can prepare your I-924 petition to form a new Farmington EB-5 regional center in just three weeks

A properly assembled I-924 application requires multiple documents prepared by attorneys, economists, and businesspeople. At EB5AN, we have the resources and the experience to complete an approval-worthy I-924 application for your new regional center. Our thorough understanding of the USCIS adjudication process and the intricacies of the I-924 is evidenced by our record of USCIS-approved regional center coverage of more than 27 states and our completion of more than 300 business plans and economic impact studies according to USCIS standards.

You can learn more about how we obtain speedy USCIS approval for new EB-5 regional centers by contacting us. We’ll be in touch within 24 hours.

Is your Farmington EB-5 project located in a targeted employment area (TEA)?

You can verify your EB-5 project’s location in a targeted employment area by consulting our Free EB-5 TEA Map, which shows the boundaries of the currently designated TEAs in Farmington. If you’re not sure why TEA designation matters for your EB-5 project or you’d like to learn more about USCIS approval for TEA designations, visit our TEA Designation page.

image 1National EB-5 targeted employment area (TEA) map

Once you’ve ascertained your project’s status in a TEA, you’ll need to request a TEA letter from a TEA state agency to prove to USCIS that your project is in a TEA. You can learn the steps to request this document by reading How to Get a TEA Letter, where we offer detailed instructions, an example TEA letter from a state agency, and materials to supplement your TEA letter request.

If you need further assistance, you can reach us at our website, by phone at 1-800-288-9138, or via e-mail at We’ll answer your questions within 24 hours.

Opportunities for Growth in Farmington.

A small suburb of northern Detroit, Farmington has a population of just over 10,000 people. The town has appeared on several recommendation lists, including CNN Money’s 2007 and 2013 Best Places to Live index, due to its pleasant, historic downtown area and wealth of cultural activities. Served by one of Michigan’s top-rated school systems, Farmington has several public parks and plazas that host a farmer’s market and musical performances. The downtown area is known for its Victorian houses and pioneer-era storefronts.

With a median household income of about $67,000 and 4.4% of the population below the poverty line, Farmington could benefit from outside development capital. By affiliating your EB-5 project with our EB5 Affiliate Network EB-5 regional center, you can give economic activity a boost in Farmington and help lower the unemployment rate by creating full-time jobs for its residents.

For more information about renting or affiliating with an EB5AN regional center or forming a new EB-5 regional center with USCIS approval, contact us today . We’re available to answer your questions at 1-800-288-9138 or