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I-956F Approval and How It Can Impact EB-5 Project Selection

A group of engineers or project developers working on an EB5 project plan.

If you wish to get a Green Card through the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program, you need to invest in a project that creates at least 10 full-time jobs in the United States. An important part of this process is project selection, and understanding the role of Form I-956F, Application for Approval of an Investment in a Commercial Enterprise, can help you through the due diligence stage. In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about Form I-956F and why it matters to EB-5 investors.

What Is Form I-956F?

A close-up of USCIS's Form I-956F.

Form I-956F is a special form that EB-5 regional centers send to the United States government. A regional center is a company that manages EB-5 investment projects. The form tells the government everything about a specific EB-5 project. It includes information such as:

  • Where the project is located.
  • The project’s business plan.
  • An economic report that shows how the project will create jobs.
  • Legal documents for investors.

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) examines Form I-956F very carefully to ensure the project complies with all EB-5 program regulations. If USCIS approves Form I-956F, it means they believe the project is sound and meets the standards.

Why Is I-956F Approval Important for Investors?

When a project gets I-956F approval, it’s important for EB-5 investors involved in that project.

For example, if USCIS approves a petition, it shows that the project has a solid business plan and is likely to create the jobs it promises. This makes investors feel more confident about investing.

Every EB-5 investor has to submit their own Form I-526E petition to the government. This is different from Form I-956F. But if a foreign national invests in a project that already has I-956F approval, USCIS might review their I-526E petition more quickly, since they have already reviewed a lot of the project information when they approved the I-956F.

But remember, just because a project has I-956F approval, it doesn’t mean there is no financial or immigration risk for investors. If the project encounters problems or fails, investors could still lose their investment capital. That’s why it’s crucial for investors to do their due diligence and thoroughly understand the project before investing.

What Else Should EB-5 Investors Look For?

A group of EB5 investors giving thumbs up, symbolizing I-956F approvals.

It is a good sign when an EB-5 project already has an I-956F approval, but it’s not the only thing investors should consider when choosing a project. Here are some other important factors:

The Experience of the Regional Center

Look for a regional center that has completed successful EB-5 projects before. It’s best if they have finished projects, returned investors’ money, and helped investors get their Green Cards. Be cautious about regional centers that are new or lack experience with EB-5.

Communication and Transparency

The regional center should be easy to talk to and quick to answer questions. They should provide investors with clear, detailed information, preferably in writing. If a regional center doesn’t communicate well or provide you with access to important documents like financial statements, that’s a red flag.

The Strength of the Project

When it comes to project selection, investors should also consider other aspects like the project’s location, industry, and developer. They should ask questions like:

  • Is there a market demand for this project?
  • Does the developer have a good track record?
  • What is the project’s capital structure?
  • Is it fully financed without EB-5 funds?
  • Is construction already underway?
  • Does it have current sales?

When a project has solid fundamentals in these areas, it lowers the financial risk for investors.

Invest in a Low-Risk EB5AN Project

An EB5 investor and an immigration expert shaking hands under the EB5AN logo.

When considering an EB-5 investment, the key is to work with qualified EB-5 professionals who can guide you through the process and help you make an informed decision. With the right project and the right team, the EB-5 program can be a great path to getting a U.S. Green Card while also investing in the American economy.

Remember, investing always carries risk. But by understanding the role of Form I-956F and all the other parts of the EB-5 process, you’ll be well on your way to reaching your immigration goals through the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program.

Get in touch with an EB5AN expert for a free consultation on how to find low-risk EB-5 projects.