Are you from the Gambia and intending to pursue a degree at a U.S. university? Then check out our comprehensive guidebook specially designed for Gambian students: Studying in the U.S.A. – A Guidebook for Students from the Gambia.
Any Gambian students looking into the U.S. college scene should carefully acquaint themselves with how to navigate everything from finding the right institution, to applying to universities, to the student visa process itself. That’s what this step-by-step guide aims to do, packed with valuable information on everything from visa considerations to obtaining U.S. medical care and banking services. It even helps students keep on top of key cultural differences between the United States and the Gambia. Complete with a document checklist, this guidebook is exactly what Gambian students need to make a successful debut in America.
Download “Studying in the U.S – A Guidebook for Students from The Gambia”
The rise in students from the Gambia studying in the U.S. is an upward trend. With this free guidebook, new Gambian students can enjoy an even more streamlined and straightforward U.S. education experience and achieve their dream of receiving a degree from a world-renowned American university. Many Gambian students have already obtained a U.S. degree, and with the help of this free guide from EB5 Affiliate Network, you can, too.
Background: Students from the Gambia
Although the Gambia, uniquely centered around the Gambia River, is a geographically small country with a relatively low population, it nonetheless sees hundreds of its youth take off for college in the United States every year. Estimates put the number of Gambian students in the United States at 243 in 2019, and that number is expected to increase as the number of African students in the US increases overall.
What Is the Gambian Economy Like?
the Gambia reported around two million inhabitants in 2021, made up of a patchwork of different ethnic groups. The literacy rate in the Gambia is low, and around 70% of the population are self-sufficient farmers who rely on rain-fed crops. The per-capita GDP is only $2,200 per annum, although the economy expanded by more than 4% in 2017. The 7.1% inflation rate makes accumulating savings relatively difficult for the average Gambian, 75% of which work in agriculture. Of the Gambia’s 777,000-strong workforce, 9% are unemployed, and roughly half—48%—of the country is considered to be living below the poverty line.
Gambians Studying in the US: What Are the Trends?
The estimated 243 Gambian students in the US, when compared to the Gambia’s overall population of two million, represent about 0.01% of the Gambian population studying at a U.S. college. Gambian students have increasingly enrolled in U.S. higher education institutes even as more and more schools become accessible to students in Banjul and elsewhere in the country.,,, and other online learning platforms are also accessible by Gambian students, but that hasn’t quelled the flow of Gambian students to the US.
The problem—especially for a lower-income country like the Gambia—is the skyrocketing tuition fees demanded by U.S. universities. In fact, according to the Wall Street Journal, U.S. university tuition has increased 500% since 1987. But international students have kept enrolling at U.S. colleges, with the figure skyrocketing 85% from 2005 to 2015.
How much does a degree from the United States cost, on average? Expect to spend $22K per year for a public university to $50K for a private university as an international student. This is three to four times higher than the tuition fees for U.S. permanent resident (i.e., those who hold a green hard) and citizens.
EB-5 Visa: A Gambian Student’s Ticket to Lower U.S. Tuition
If a Gambian student obtains a green card, they can lower cost of their U.S. education from the international tuition rates to local, subsidized rates meant for in-state residents. This applies to public and private universities alike.
Permanent residency status also allows students from the Gambia to more easily enroll in U.S. colleges. They can also apply for scholarships, grants, and other financial assistance as a permanent resident of the United States.
Gambians hoping to obtain a U.S. degree shouldn’t give up on their dream. Whether they pursue their studies as a permanent resident under the EB-5 visa or as an international student under the F-1 visa, EB5 Affiliate Network is here to help.